DeskProto Basics tutorial video (DP V5) - old
How to use the DeskProto 3D CAM software
This video introduces the basic concepts of DeskProto: load a geometry, orientate it and calculate toolpaths. The Bottle STL file is present in any DeskProto edition (DP V5, 11 min)
Though the DeskProto software is easy to use, it still is useful to first view an introduction video that shows the process steps, and only after that start using the program. This is such video, however an old one: made for DeskProto Version 5.
New users can better use a more recent video, made with DeskProto Version 7: Introduction video (part 1) and Introduction video (part 2).
The video gives you an introduction to the DeskProto user interface, and shows the steps needed to import a geometry, orientate it, calculate toolpaths and save these in an NC program file.
This video applies to all paid editions of DeskProto (Entry, Expert and Multi-Axis).
Note though that in the Entry Edition no Segment option is present: instead the option Bottom level should be used. In DeskProto V7 the 'Segment' is called the Material block.
Before you can use DeskProto you need to Download and install the software.