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Tips and Tricks for DeskProto users

Various suggestions for DeskProto users

This page lists a number of suggestions that might be useful for you. For instance when connecting DeskProto to a certain machine, or when working with a certain 3D CAD program. Please browse the list below to see if you can find anything that is useful for you.
You can browse the list below, or as an alternative you can use the Search option of this website to find the information you need: the magnifying glass above the menu left of this text is the search button. The search also covers these Tips and Tricks.

Other sources of information on this website are the FAQ, and the User Forum, which uses it's own search option.

1. Tips on integration with certain CAD programs

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2. Tips and Tricks when using DeskProto

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3. Tips for users of certain CNC machines

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4. Tips for any CNC machinist