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DeskProto® releases CAM software for Apple® computers.

For immediate release, June 2020.

[The DeskProto CAM software now also is available as native macOS application: one of the first to offer CAM on Apple computers.]

Utrecht (Netherlands) -- June 30, 2020 -- Delft Spline Systems (NL) announces that the DeskProto CAM software now also is available for Mac users, as native 64 bits macOS application (macOS 10.12 or newer). Projects made on Mac and Windows are interchangeable. Licenses for DeskProto V7 can be used to activate DeskProto both on Mac and on Windows, so existing users can switch to a Mac without extra cost.

Cartoon about CNC software for Apple
The DeskProto CAM software now also runs on macOS   (image "CNCforApple").

"Many designers, artists and hobbyists are attached to using their Apple computer in their creative process," says Lex Lennings, DeskProto sales manager, "however so far almost no CAM software has been available for Mac. We are very happy that we can fill this gap by offering DeskProto for macOS"

DeskProto offers three types of CAM:
  • * Vector machining: 2D jobs like nameplates and front-panels (import DXF, AI, EPS file)
  • * Geometry machining: 3D jobs like sculptures and scale models (import STL file)
  • * Bitmap machining: reliefs based on digital images (import any image format).
Four editions are available: Free, Entry, Expert and Multi-Axis. The Free edition offers basic CAM functions for all three types of CAM and can be used free of charge (no time limitation), the paid editions offer more functionality. The top edition (Multi-Axis) even supports 4-axis machining and some 5-axis work. DeskProto is available as free download on A quick start is possible, as DeskProto is friendly for users without much prior CAM experience.

DeskProto now for Apple - videal still
A CNC-machined Apple logo on the machine.
The release video for the macOS version on YouTube (2.5 min), and a video still as alternative illustration   (image "AppleLogo-OnMachine").

About DeskProto

DeskProto by Delft Spline Systems is the 3D CAM program that has made CNC milling a competitive alternative for 3D Printing by making it just as easy. The software can import 2D drawing files (DXF, EPS, AI), 3D geometry files (STL, DXF) and digital images (BMP, JPG, PNG, ...), calculate NC toolpaths and then export NC program files suited for any 3-axis or 4-axis CNC milling machine. Key feature is the ease of use: DeskProto is aimed at designers, not (as most other CAM software) at CAM specialists.

Despite its low-end price DeskProto contains many high-end features, like automatic feedrate reduction at high chiploads, collet collision check, full rotation axis support, the two-sided milling wizard, and much more (not all options are available in all editions). Current users range from hobbyists and one-person model-shops to multinational A-brand companies like Unilever, Lancôme, Sony-Ericsson and NASA.
For more information visit


These files are available for download: (660x260 pixels, 46 KB). (2490x1400 pixels, 218 KB). (1250x945 pixels, 171 KB).
Illustration caption: "The DeskProto CAM software now also runs on macOS."

A short Video about this release is available on (2.5 min)

For more information

For more information on this press release contact Lex Lennings of Delft Spline Systems
Tel +31 30 296 5957, Email

DeskProto is a registered trademark of Delft Spline Systems.
Apple, Mac, macOS and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc.