News, Sept 2009

Sent to: John Smith, Delft Spline Systems, NL
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(sent to all contacts in our database, subscription information below)

Dear John Smith,

We are happy to announce two new DeskProto developments, both made in order to make 3D CAM affordable even in the current times of crisis:

  • We have released DeskProto Version 4.2, priced € 595.00
  • The price for DeskProto Lite has been lowered to € 145.00

The new edition DeskProto V 4.2 is a re-release of the proven DeskProto V 4.1, a version still used by many happy clients. V 4.2 is meant to offer full 3D functionality, including rotary machining, at a lower price. More information can be found on:
New in V4.1 page
Comparison table
Current prices

DeskProto Lite now has become the cheapest available 3D CAM software ever !
The price for DeskProto Full has not been changed.

All three DeskProto editions (5.0 Full, 5.0 Lite and 4.2) are available both via your DeskProto reseller,
see and via a direct order,

Best Regards,

Lex Lennings.

Check some recent entries on the DeskProto Gallery and Forum:

Gallery picture Automotive: Windshield for Italian motorcycle
Gallery picture Music: GuitarMill guitar manufacturing
Gallery picture Jewelry: fast pathing for wax-model of ring

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Delft Spline Systems, The Netherlands.
We offer DeskProto: CNC machining for non-machinists.
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