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Sent to: John Smith, Delft Spline Systems, NL
via <>

(sent to all contacts in our database, subscription information below)

Dear John Smith,

We are happy to send you this next new issue of the DeskProto newsletter, about "CNC machining for non-machinists".  We hope that you will enjoy reading.

Last week the domain has been invalid for three days: any emails that you sent us between Sept 27 and Sept 29 have disappeared. Also see the notification on our home page. Our sincere apologies for this problem !

Detail of the Start screen in Japanese DeskProto now also in Japanese and in Russian
Two new translated versions of DeskProto have been added: we are very proud to offer DeskProto now also in Japanese and in Russian . Any current V6 user can update free of charge: simply installing the trial version will find your license. Before installing please backup your driver files (cutters, machines and postprocesors) if you have edited these.
日本語でDeskProto体験版をダウンロードして >>
ЗАГРУЗКА пробной версии DeskProto на русском >>

Windows 10 taskbar with DP icon DeskProto V6.1 runs fine in Windows 10.
We are happy to confirm that DeskProto V6.1 runs fine on a Windows 10 PC. After upgrading your current PC you may need to reinstall the trial version though. DeskProto V5 and older versions cannot be used in Win 8 or Win10.
For more information see FAQ issues 4.5 and 4.6 >>

the 123WaxRing fixture 123WaxRing to be discontinued.
Seven years after it's introduction we decided to discontinue the 123WaxRing product line. We regret that we need to do so, however manufacturing cost simply were too high for us. We decided to focus on what we do best: CAM software. The good news is that two resellers are planning to offer 123WaxRing compatible parts.
More information on >>

Two green sporks Gallery: Spork project (rapid product development).
This development project has been completed within two weeks: from the first sketch on paper to the injection molded parts. DeskProto was used to machine a prototype and the production mold. Interested to know what a spork in fact is?
Read the story on Ultimate SPORK for extreme sporters >>

Try for yourself and download the DeskProto trial version from our website. To get started you can use the tutorials (both video and PDF) and the sample geometries.
This is all possible completely free of charge !

Best Regards,

Lex Lennings.

Your email address in our database is used for this DeskProto News, a few times per year.
To be removed from our mailing list, reply with the following text in the Subject line:
"Please remove me from this mailing list".

Delft Spline Systems, The Netherlands.
We offer DeskProto: CNC machining for non-machinists.
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