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Sent to: John Smith, Delft Spline Systems, NL
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Dear John Smith,

This DeskProto newsletter email starts with the news that DeskProto Version 8 has been released ! The newsletter ends (as always) with a great user project. Five paragraphs in total: simply scroll down to read them all. We hope that you will enjoy reading !

Splash screen Version 8 has been released
A rose as wooden inlay We are very happy that the next DeskProto version is ready !! It has taken a long time: thanks to all beta testers for your help in the last stage of the development. The most important new features:
  • V-Carving, see the photo above, including prismatic inlays
  • Toolpath animation, showing how the cutter follows the toolpath
  • An unlimited number of geometry support tabs
  • Special cutters: laser, hot wire, chainsaw, circular saw, disk cutter.
The image above shows a beautiful wooden inlay that has been created with DeskProto V8. For both types of wood V-Carving has been used, to create two parts that exactly fit.

Detail of a V-Carved sign The V8 introduction video Screenshot of the DeskProto V8 video In addition to the "New in V8" page just mentioned, we also created a video in which we introduce this exciting new DeskProto version.

The five most important new features will be briefly shown and discussed. You can find the video on page DeskProto Version 8 has been released.
Tutorial videos for the new features will follow later..

Logos of Windows, Apple and Linux Update options and prices Table with the prices for standard updates The price table for updates and upgrades on our website may look complicated, here is an abstract with in green prices for the four standard updates Update from V7 to V8, keeping the same edition and the same license type.

You can find the complete matrix on page Prices for DeskProto updates and upgrades, with a link to our webshop.

All users who have bought a license on May 1st (2024) or later will receive a free update to Version 8. Please be patient, as these are very busy weeks for us.

Wooden sign, on location V8 user project: a V-Carved sign
Detail of the sign: a  V-Carved image This new gallery project shows a beautiful V-Carved sign : a nice example of what you can achieve with the new V-Carving option in DeskProto Version 8. This sign has been created with the beta test version.

It is a large sign, created on a small desktop milling machine. The Gallery page clearly shows how this project has been realized.

Try for yourself with the latest DeskProto Free edition: it offers basic CAM functions free of charge!
It also offers the option to start any of the paid editions in trial mode. For guidance you can use the tutorials (both video and PDF) and the sample geometries.

Best Regards,

Lex Lennings.

This DeskProto Newsletter mailing is sent a few times per year.
It is sent to you as on dd/mm/yyyy you have explicitly requested us to do so, see our privacy statement.
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Delft Spline Systems, The Netherlands.
We offer DeskProto: CNC machining for non-machinists.
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