News, Nov 2009

Sent to: John Smith, Delft Spline Systems, NL
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Dear John Smith,

We are happy to announce extended on-line support for the DeskProto 3D CAM software: a series of free instruction videos has been added to the website. Watching videos is a quick and easy way to learn how to machine 3D models.

Topics covered by the new CAM training videos include DeskProto basics, Roughing, Finishing, Rotation axis machining and Wax ring machining. The geometry files for all videos are free 3D models, so you can complete a video lesson by machining your own model, for instance of the Venus de Milo bust, or of the attractive ring design.

Especially interesting is the video on making a Coat-of-Arms relief.
This video shows how simple it is to machine complex geometry in 3D using DeskProto. It also shows how to customize a model by adding your own graphics and text. Just import your 2D bitmap image for the graphics on the shield and let DeskProto convert the grey values to Z heights to make the bitmap 3D. And add text onto the ribbon by importing your 2D DXF file.

By downloading this relief you can create any model, from a small pin to a large sign, for any application. Like a trophy, a gift, an award: you name it. Please spread the word on CNC forums: many CNC users will be interested in creating such model. And send us pictures of your models: we are offering free DeskProto Lite Licenses to three trial users who create the best, the most original and most artistic Coat-Of-Arms model.

We will be presenting the training videos and a number of models at the Euromold show (Dec 2-5, 2009, Frankfurt, Germany). Visit DeskProto in Hall 8.0, stand number B111.

Best Regards,

Lex Lennings.

Check some recent entries on the DeskProto Gallery:

Gallery picture Automotive: the Savage Rivale extreme sportscar
Gallery picture Jewelry: mathematics inspired Enneper pendant
Gallery picture Food and sweets: 20 Eurocent coin candy

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Delft Spline Systems, The Netherlands.
We offer DeskProto: CNC machining for non-machinists.
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