Dear John Smith,
We are happy to send you this next issue of the DeskProto newsletter,
about "CNC machining for non-machinists". We hope
that you will enjoy reading.
Anniversary bargain offer: DeskProto HOBBY LICENSE
The special offer that was announced in our previous newsletter is a
DeskProto V5.0 Full Hobby license !
This low-priced license makes the full power of DeskProto (3D, 2D and bitmap)
affordable for anyone with a CNC milling machine. The bargain
offer is made because of our double anniversary: this year
Delft Spline Systems is 25 years old, and DeskProto
15 years. Cheers !
Read more on price and availability >>
Install the latest DeskProto build, using the UPDATER
The birthday present for existing users is priced even lower:
a free bugfix update, using
the DeskProto Updater.
Read more, and download the updater >>
The update is meant for users of the Full edition only: users of the
Lite and 4.2 editions can simply download and install a fresh trial version.
It's easy to create LITHOPHANES using DeskProto
Lithophanes are artworks in thin
material, that can only be seen when the material is illuminated
from the back side. The thinner the material, the more light can
come through, so a picture will result. Lithophanes are very easy to
machine with a DeskProto bitmap operation, and they will
guarantee you admiring reactions as the effect is truly amazing.
Check the Tutorial videos: a flat picture, a lamp-shade on pipe >>
German WoodPrinter, powered by DeskProto
DeskProto user Rudolf Thiele from Germany makes great reliefs in wood on
his BZT machine. He fondly calls the machine his wood
printer, and says: "DeskProto is part of my everyday
life, as much as having a beer after work". Coming from Germany
this is a great compliment :-)
Read this latest Gallery story, and see some results >>
Try for yourself and download the DeskProto trial version from our website. To get
started you can use the tutorials (both video and PDF) and the sample geometries. This
is all possible completely free of charge !
Best Regards,
Lex Lennings.
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address in our database is used for this DeskProto News , a
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