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Sent to: John Smith, Delft Spline Systems, NL
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Dear John Smith,

We are happy to send you this next new issue of the DeskProto newsletter, about "CNC machining for non-machinists".  We hope that you will enjoy reading.

Discount stamp Bargain offer: 22% discount on all DeskProto sales
This year we are celebrating a double jubilee: company Delft Spline Systems celebrates its 33th birthday, and the program DeskProto is 22 years old. The two images below tell you more about the old days. We will celebrate both jubilees by offering 22% discount on all DeskProto prices, for a period of 33 days. The discount action starts on July 30, and will end on August 31, 2017: a total of 33 days.
The discount is available both via our Resellers >> and via our Webshop >>

wireframe screenshot Delft Spline Systems started in 1984: 33 years ago
The image shows an IBM PC-XT, running the Sipsurf CAD/CAM software that we then made, under MS-Dos. It featured modeling and machining freeform NURBS surfaces, like the ladies shoe that is shown. The color display was a very expensive optional extra. As you can see CNC machining was already present. The photo was in fact taken a few years later: the Roland CAMM3 PNC-3000 was released in 1986. It was the first desktop CNC milling machine that came on the market.

Manual and diskette DeskProto V 1.0 was released in 1995: 22 years ago
This screenshot shows DeskProto Version 1.0, running on Windows 3.1.  Many elements are already present that still can be found in the current DeskProto. Though it will also be clear that in these 22 years a lot of progress has been made. The small image on the left shows the printed manual and the floppy disk containing the complete program.

Wooden relief model Gallery: create your own custom vacation souvenir !
After a great vacation on the island of La Palma (one of the Canary Islands) we machined a relief model in wood. It is a nice souvenir, on which I can exactly show all walks that we made on this beautiful island. Machining such relief model is very easy using DeskProto. Read more on  Facebook >>

Try for yourself and download the DeskProto trial version from our website. To get started you can use the tutorials (both video and PDF) and the sample geometries.
This is all possible completely free of charge !

Best Regards,

Lex Lennings.

This DeskProto Newsletter mailing is sent a few times per year.
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Delft Spline Systems, The Netherlands.
We offer DeskProto: CNC machining for non-machinists.
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