News, Feb 2010

Sent to: John Smith, Delft Spline Systems, NL
via <>

(sent to all contacts in our database, subscription information below)

Dear John Smith,

We are happy to announce the opening of a Webshop
on  You can visit the new shop on the Order page. The shop will make it both easier and safer for you to place an order.

We celebrate this opening by offering the first clients a 10% discount on their order. This offer is valid for all orders (new licenses, updates and 123WaxRing products) that are placed in February 2010.
So you only have a few days to profit from this offer !

For DeskProto Lite this offer results in an absolute bottom price for a 3D CAM program: € 130.50 only !  USA based clients can also profit from a favorable exchange rate: one Euro now is 10% cheaper than last year. The checkout page of the webshop will show the price in USD at current exchange rate.

And DeskProto Full is one of the fastest 3D CAM programs on the market: test the free trial version with a large STL file and compare with other programs. Find out how in the Tutorial videos.

Best Regards,

Lex Lennings.

A great new application example is shown on the DeskProto Gallery:

Gallery picture Large (5.4 x 2 m) urban design model
of a new highway tunnel in Maastricht.

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Delft Spline Systems, The Netherlands.
We offer DeskProto: CNC machining for non-machinists.
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